I always have a thing for black and white photos. Something about them makes them so much more beautiful! Had a very very busy day today so am hoping my workload is going to slow down a little, hope you are all having a great start to the week :)
Thursday, May 27, 2010
If only I could lounge around the house in super freaking hot underwear. but no! It is way too cold right now, coming into winter isn't so great! Plus I have a cold and it hasn't stopped raining all week now! These photos make me really crave summer, the lighting is pretty wicked also!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Ok so I found something new to do, I got a formspring! (SO CHECK IT OUT HERE) You should totally come and ask me questions (however random you want) Just whatever, but make sure you ask me something! Anyways just some randomly inspired photos for you today!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Was caught up this weekend playing sport, but was able to make a couple of new purchases! I got a coat for the winter and a karen walker dress :) Otherwise I am pretty tired considering bed now. Hope you all had a good one !
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Obviously this is a post about shoes! The week is ticking by and hopefully before I know it, it will be the weekend! Lately I haven't been feeling like getting out of bed, I'm finding my life pretty boring right now and need something to push it along, I'm looking for that, but haven't found it yet..
Sunday, May 16, 2010
The weekend for me is sadly at it's very end! But had a reasonably relaxing weekend and have some things I want to get for my winter wardrobe that I saw, so will hopefully get that next weekend! Just gathered a bunch of random photos that grabbed my interest here and there!
Friday, May 14, 2010
I am kind of tired right now. Have been taking some photos and went out for a bit tonight. Also went shoppin/looking aroundish for some winter clothes to deck myself out in haha. goodnight
Thursday, May 13, 2010
marloes horst
marloes horst
This week has been more than busy! Am hoping things will slow down a bit soon, so I can do some of the things i enjoy most! Was just thinking that these shoes would be the total completion of my wardrobe! So amazing. The last photo I have never got around to adding, but was at iD fashion show a while back ( I am wearing companyofstrangers ). Am looking forward to the weekend where I am hopefully going to be doing some thrifting and taking some photos!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Thought I would use up some of the overflowing images out of the folders on my computer.
Love the beauty of these images.
Have my formal tonight night so am hoping it is going to go alright! But the excitement is building up!
Beauty is a killer.
Sorry about my lack of not blogging, once i stop i find it very hard to start again! But I will no doubt be trying to get it back on track! Have been having a very busy last week, organizing the formal coming up and schoolwork seems to be piling up also!